Naruto | Naruto NOLA Invasion | Might Gai & Rock Lee
New Orleans, Louisiana | Summer 2011

One of our many Naruto cosplays but by far the most fun cosplays we have done. The bodysuits were very easy to make, the only more tedious part were the leg warmers. These were cosplays we decided on over half a year ago and were one of the most recognized and had such a great audience response, people really loved us. We did our job well, people would turn and see our cosplays and they would just burst out laughing. The outfits were made by Maria and Aimee styled the wigs and created the eyebrows. Rock Lee is cosplayed by Aimee and Gai-sensei by Maria. Debuted at Mechacon 2011.
Check out our other Naruto Cosplays - Akatsuki Day Out and Sound Lords!
To view the full photoshoot, check out our flicker!
Images all taken by FoxyCosplyers ;)
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